Week 1: Scratching the surface
Goals of the week
- Getting hands on Linux administration and operation
- Virtualization and Familiarize with different Linux distributions
- Keeping up with Linux commands
- Bash scripting
Linux is an operating system (OS), which is the software responsible for the communication between a computer’s software and hardware. Technically, the part of the operating system that’s actually called “Linux” is the kernel, which is the piece of software responsible for managing the computer’s core processing unit (CPU), and memory and peripheral devices like the monitor, keyboard, printer, etc. The original Linux kernel is open source, meaning that users can alter and redistribute its source code. But not every variation of Linux that followed took the open source path.
Linux comes in different variations known as projects or distributions. Some popular distributions of Linux include Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Enterprise Linux, and SUSE Linux Enterprise. Enterprise distributions are designed for corporate, business, or academic use, offering regular software updates and dedicated technical support to paying customers.
Course: Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) | aCloudGuru
Course expectation: Revision
Estimated time to complete this course: 1-2 days
- Learn: How to navigate the file system using the command line.Practice using commands such as ls, cd, mkdir, touch, cp, and mv.
- Learn: How to manage and manipulate files using commands such as cat, head, tail, grep, sed, and awk.
- Learn: How to manage and manipulate text files using commands such as cut, sort, uniq, tr, and wc.
- Learn: How to use the find command to search for files and directories.
- Learn: How to use the grep command to search for patterns in text files.
- Learn: How to use the sed command to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline).
- Learn: How to use the awk command to perform more advanced text processing.
- Learn: How to use the vi/vim command-line editor to edit files.
- Learn: How to use the cron service to schedule tasks.
- Learn: How to use the systemctl and service command to start, stop, and check the status of services.
- Learn: How to use the netstat, lsof command to check the network connections and opened files.
- Learn: How to use the tar, gzip, gunzip command to manage archive files.
- Learn: How to use the ssh command to securely log in to remote servers.
Bash Scripting
Bash scripts can be used for various purposes, such as executing a shell command, running multiple commands together, customizing administrative tasks, performing task automation etc. So knowledge of bash programming basics is important for every Linux user.
Course: Shell Scripting for Beginners | freecodecamp
Course expectation: Revision
Estimated time to complete this course: 1-2 days
- Learn: How to create a bash script
- Learn: How to define variables
- Learn: Bash arithmetic expressions
- Learn: How to read user input
- Learn: Numeric Comparison logical operators and conditional statements
- Learn: How to analyze files and reading from files
- Learn: How to Automate Scripts by Scheduling via cron Jobs