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Week 1, Let's get Started!

Goals of the Week

  1. Reintroduction to HTML and CSS if required
  2. Modern CSS
  3. Reintroduction to JavaScript if required
  4. Getting hang of the basic concepts of JavaScript
  5. Learning the syntax sugar of the language along with understanding the ES6 / newer developments on top of basic JS

Day 1 and Day 2: Coming Back to HTML and CSS 101

This is where the web started, so this is where we start. There is no shame in taking the 101 courses as long as you get better however what would make you look bad is if you are found lacking in these basic concepts at some point after this training.

Register your account on Free Code Camp which is an interactive learning platform. You will be using it intensively for learning.

Topics / Learning Pathways to cover from the Free Code Camp curriculum

  1. Basic HTML and HTML5
  2. Basic CSS
  3. CSS FlexBox
  4. CSS Grid

If you are out of touch skipping through may hurt you while working on the upcoming Tasks or real life projects. And somewhere down the road you can complete all the sections on the Free Code Camp and earn the certificate. It has some reputation internationally.

Additional Resources

You are not supposed to remember every tag or property. And often you will find yourself searching for a specific tag or styling property on Google, so it helps save time and avoiding extra keystrokes if you have a reference cheat sheet on your PC.

Day 3, 4 and 5: Itching to Code? You better be!

Get ready for a complete hands-on programming day. You will learn the JavaScript by doing. You will be working through the Freecodecamp exercises interactively again.

Topics to cover from "JavaScript Algorithms and Data structures Certification" portion of curriculum:

  1. Basic JavaScript
  2. ES6
  3. Debugging
  4. Basic Data Structures
  5. Basic Algorithm scripting
  6. Object-Oriented Programming What this will do is help you get started with syntax while without being hard on your cognitive memory.