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Week 4, Redux ToolKit - State Management made easy!

Now you are familiar about why state management is necessary and how redux helps in our application state management, it's time to up the game and learn modern Redux.

Goal of the Week

  1. Learn Redux toolkit and understand how it was created to help overcome common redux concerns:
    • Configuring a Redux store is too complicated
    • Installing a lot of packages to get useful results.
    • Too much boilerplate code.
  2. Improvise and implement previously made assignment with Redux Toolkit and do more related tasks.

Day 1 and 2

Let's take a deep dive into Redux ToolKit, get our hands dirty and official documentations are the perfect resources to start with:

  1. Let's get started and understand core concepts
  2. RTK Essentials and Fundamentals
  3. A tutorial by RTK maintainer, feel free to code along
  4. Understand and implement RTK tutorials to get the hang of it

Day 3

Task Due : Discuss with your mentor to pick up an intermediate task e.g Budget Tracker

Day 4 and 5

Code Reviews and more practice:

Time to reach out to your mentor and get your RTK versioned assignment reviewed iterate and make it better. Ask for more complex tasks from your mentor and get more familiar with redux toolKit!