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Week 6, Rocket Science Behind the Web Server APIs...

Let's get started with Node and Express so that you can easily create basic server applications and APIs,

  1. Learn basics of Node using this tutorial.
  2. Get started with ExpressJS using this tutorial
  3. Need anything else? Checkout NodeJS and expressJS documentation

Task Due

Discuss with your mentor and pick up an Advanced level assignment e.g Budget Tracket or Booking System

Code Review

You know the drill!

Testing Library


Test the required user behavior to infer the correct implementation and create a maintainable test base for for UI Code.

React Testing Library

React Testing Library is a lightweight solution to test your react components, it provides utility functions on top of react-dom, uses JSDOM to test your react components, by querying DOM nodes in a document similar to the way a user will find elements in the page/component which helps your test base give confidence in your UI code.

  1. Learn basics of React Testing Library using this link.
  2. Dive deeper into testing react components using this tutorial.
  3. Use this cheatsheet to help you while you are writing a maintainable test base.

Task Due

Remember, you created a Git Notes application, it is time to write a maintainable test base for our UI Code of Git Notes application using React Testing Library.

Hot topics

  1. Ag-grid - The best JavaScript Grid in the World.
  2. SWR - Stale While Revalidate - React Hook for Data Fetching.
  3. React-query- React data fetching library.

In the world of tools, it is very difficult to pick which best fulfills the problem under consideration, this holds true in software engineering world. One thing that filters out our options from myriads is the tool we are not willing to give up and the tools we are willing to adopt.
Here is a tool that can help you compare options on hand.